Hi there guys,
Today you should see your own reflection in the mirror and assure yourself that you've got to empty your pockets and throw a big party today.
Happy Birthday ElyasRay, Fyurie and Rose_t! Drink a much as you can! But don't forget that 3 lolis are waiting for you.
Greetz, Hatsuyuki Staff
Look at this.
Wow, it's the cake that SleepSub[NL] got on his Birthday!
You better start finding new ways to look younger because yoU have just turned a year older.
Happy B’Day SleepSub[NL]!
Greetz, Hatsuyuki Staff.
You can check for our picks next season from here. All are confirmed and we will do them for sure.
Guys, Hatsuyuki Fansubs is looking for Staff for the following positions.
Positions we need to be filled immediately.
- Translators
- Translation Checkers
- Quality Checkers
- Timers
- Editors
Please send your applying e-mails and the like to Naruto-kun1984 or SleepSub[NL] via irc or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."
Hatsuyuki Staff
Hatsuyuki is looking for Staff for translators.
Our current state is pretty bad.
- AFFTW 's translator doesn't want to do HDXD anymore, so we DO NEED a translator for it
- Natsume Shi will be delayed untill April, cause Aoizephyr got a new job and you can guess what happens after that
Positions we need to be filled immediately.
- Translator for HDXD <--- urgent, unless the show will get stalled
- Translation Checkers for Papakiki
Positions not so urgent to fill but still looking for.
- AFX Logo Maker (experienced)
So if you are J/C-E translator, please drop us an email.
More info here http://hatsuyuki-fansubs.com/recruitments.html
Please send your applying e-mails and the like to Naruto-kun1984 via irc or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."
Hatsuyuki Staff
~Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way~
Merry Christmas to all our fans!
On this Christmas day, we are happy to leak to you all some informations:
1. Check for our pick next season here.
2. Floris257 and some other fansubbers are recording an album with some anime songs. They will share you guys soon. I already heard Floris257 sang. All I can say, "No virus is detected."
So have fun!
Hatsuyuki Staff~
PS: Naru's EngRish FTW \o/