Goodbye Kobato!
It's finally over. I'm so sorry for taking so long to finish this amazing show. But now we have it to you who have been patient to wait for our releases. Thanks for watching our subs.
Episode 22: [ HD Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ] | [ HD Megaupload ] | [ SD Megaupload ] | [ 720p Upscale Megaupload]
Episode 23: [ HD Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ] | [ HD Megaupload ] | [ SD Megaupload ] | [ 720p Upscale Megaupload]
Episode 24: [ HD Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ] | [ HD Megaupload ] | [ SD Megaupload ] | [ 720p Upscale Megaupload]
By the way, I also want to thank to our great staff, who have worked hard on this show.
- Translators/ Translation checkers: Dustinthewin, Black Cat, Heroine, Black Dragon, Agurecat3
- Timers: Sakumiji, Phantom, Pastaluego, BillyG, Ran, Naruto-kun
- Editors: Agent Orange, Piecake
- Karaokers: Naruto-kun, Lelouch, Kanami-sama
- K-timers: Phantom, Sleepsub[NL], BillyG ( ktimed the ED of ep 24)
- Logo: AngelThesis
- QCers: Kanade, Agent Orange, Piecake, Digitalrushdude, Jimmydory, Xalathal, Sharath
- Encoder: Naruto-kun, Soulie, Cyras (thank to him we can finish Kobato)
- Raw: Sleepsub[NL]
- CCS provider: Leopard-raw, Sleepsub[NL]
- Oh, and thanks Ran for always being there to distro. (Idk if I missed anyone else)
Welcome to our team new staff:
Varklore, Agurecat3: translator
Kanami-sama: karamaker
BillyG: timer
Milkmandan: editor
Sharath, Xalathal: Qcers
We'r still recruiting translation checker, experienced encoder, raw capper, typesetter. Email Naruto at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if ya want to help us.