Here are some good news!
Seem the dark storm moved out of Hatsu sky. Sirus is back to normal, and is requesting a house loli maiden to help him recover.
More than that, Kirito woke up, and goes back to online. Actually he is talking in the staff chanel again.
He wanted to thank to all our fans, who have been cheering him up for the time being. Even he didn't say, but we know that he need a loli maiden as well.
If anyone voluntes to be his loli maiden, contact us, we will give you all the info including his adress.
Just let you know bad news that our timer for Maken-ki, Kirito013, got into a car accident. At this moment, he is still unconsious. T_T
This year has been pretty bad for our staff. First, Sirius got blacked out at work, but thank God, he is recovering. But Kirito is still in a bad shape.
We still haven't recieved any information from Hritham, our main editor on Magi. Let's hope he just lost his internet, and nothing bad had happened to him.
Let's pray that Kirito013 will get well soon. Any cheer from you in the coment section will be copied and sent to him.
You guys can also send him a cheering card, and we make sure we will email him.
~Hatsu Staff~